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Sunday, sweet Sunday

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Sunday, sweet Sunday
  • There are days like this I love it here. The temps are cool (66) this morning. It was pretty warm and humid yesterday but walking the dogs last night was lovely. It's getting up to low 80's all week so - no complaints about heat here.

    There are a bunch of Perch's that were surrendered due to inability to care for them. I'm glad it happened before it was too late. They're in Massachusetts. MUST.NOT.THINK.ABOUT.IT. Last thing I need right now. Well, not last.

    Well, the big guy here has finally visited a doctor (the VA hospital, I guess that qualifies). He's got signs of heart problems (high hemoglobin, club fingernails (???), and I forgot what else) I think the fingernails are hereditary because his dad had the exact same but we looked it up and - yep, that's them. So he's awaiting his cardiology visit. They've got a good one that also practices at Yale and specializes in Thoracic surgery, which is what he needs. (aneurysm repair) One of his brothers just found out that, yes, he does have an aneurysm. Another brother had the surgery - he's doing great. It's very scary to deal with. Open heart and all that.

    Still dreaming of NYC. (short term) If I could get in that position for a couple of years I could shoot for a 13 job in Texas and be golden. I could handle Austin now but that wouldn't give me the opportunity to move up. I probably should be working on another certification or degree to make it easier. No reason (also) for me to not be writing. My drive has been low - I intended to clean yesterday and couldn't drag myself into the cleaning mode. Might still today.

    I was invited to a local beach - okay, then it changed to Rhode Island. um, no. Why not? Don't wanna. I make the drive almost there every day for work. I can bake on a beach in my own area right where I live. Also, which I didn't say because this is what he was waiting for - my son probably needs me to pick him up at the train station. He could ride the bicycle but I enjoy the time with him. I don't get a chance to do much visiting during the week and his new days off are T&Th. He's working very hard which makes me proud. But anything I do for him earns me scowls - heck anything HE does draws scowls and criticism. That, in itself, makes me not want to be in this relationship. I will stick around for surgery, however. No, I don't have life insurance on him (for shame).

    OH I made a good lamb soup yesterday. That was work. And I walked the dogs. Ta da!! OH OH OH there was a mama and baby deer out there yesterday! So glad to see them! I don't think it was my usual deer - she didn't look to be carrying. :)

    Okay, gone. Happy Sunday! Hope there's relief from the heat. Stude, good luck at the show!! I hope you have those neck things that keep you cool! I just hate that you're in that kind of heat.

    Connie, who's kidney function are we talking about?
  • Migraine finally passed.

    Hunterseat have not heard from K9-er.

    Connie  Bucchu leaves for  horse or human?

    Tex gets lumps all the time. I keep plenty of benedryl on hand . Vet also gave me histamine shots to have on hand in case he ever gets full blown hives again.

    Walking out to the barn and seeing michelin-man horse is a terrifying thing.

    Stude a nice detailed letter to Bureaucrat and his supervisor are still in order?

    Need groceries here.

    Everyone have a cool Sunday!

  • Whisper's spots are hard.  Got some stuff for it today.  Will wait for the vet to say benedryl.

    They must burn a bit because she was very specific about wanting the cold water on them yesterday.  She is in with a fly sheet today.  Going over soon to put some meds on the lumps and see how she is doing.

    She likes it inside and if this is what happens outside, i do not blame her.  Will be more thorough with the spray from now on.  Got some roll on stuff for around her eyes.  She always scrubs her head with a fly mask on and she did hurt her eye once.

    I am the one with low kidney function according to the call I got from my Dr.  She wants to see me.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday and new week.

  • ish Connie!  those lumps look mizerable :(  hope you are feeling better after your fall.  :(

    trying to stay cool.  ive a load in the dryer.  we are just vegging.  

    ordered another cinch for Ike... no... a smaller one again!  the 42 is getting small.. cant find a 38 so went with a 36.  with luck it will work.

    finally got to take a spin on new mule.  Sally sure does step out!  oh yeah... she is in heat, so she was being sorta bitchy during drill team practice.  while the kids were cooling off before part 2 we walked down the driveway.  she was worryied, but didnt fight me.  cant wait for the stinkin bugs to go away so brent and i can go for a ride!  

    found new farrier too.  hauled down to have them done before drill team.  

    kids have what looks like 4 practices left before we goto regionals.  new rule this year.  for the entire state of MN, there are 2 drill team qualifiers.  did i mention its 2 weeks away?  and we know nothing yet... except for where it is.  no start time, no event times, no nothing..... (insert rolling eye smiley here)

    jake still has to get rolling on his costume.  he is darth vader.  havent tired the cape on ike yet to see how he likes it.  

    back to the grind tomorrow.  practice on tues.  jake is hauling ike to farm where we practice so he can be there at a decent time after work (we both work til 5 and he works between home and drill team practice farm :( )  pondering leaving him there for the next week and a half until its time to head for event.  

    hope everyone stays cool this week!  

  • on another forum  a horse broke out after applying  Bronco Gold fly spray.  the next day she sprayed another horse with it and it also then broke out.


    I am guessing posting a link is ok with the forum.

  • yes it is, so long as its not advertizing another company like horse.com.  thanks for asking!  

  • Thanks everyone for the input on Whisper's bumps.  I know I tend to spray the near side less efficiently because she usually presents her off side.  She is only bumpy on the one side.  Don't find any breathing holes.  The lumps are pretty hard but only one has anything at its peak that I can find...kind of like a little scab.  She could have rolled on something, but I don't think we have biting ants although I guess any ant can bite.  We do have ground bees but I would have expected more of a reaction...the last horse I saw that was bitten lost hair at each bite site but I assume they all react differently.  Will Check again this morning.  Sprayed her and the fly sheet last night and put hydrocortisone on the lumps.  I think they may have been a tiny bit smaller yesterday than Saturday, but it might just be hope.  Will know more in a bit when I get over there.

  • Small update.  Talked with our vet today and she said as long as Whisper is not itching to keep doing what I am doing and she should be fine.  Since the bumps are localized they have to be either bug bites or she brushed against something that irritated her.  I figure flies but she could have rolled in something that bit her.

    She is loving all of the extra attention.  Ordered her another fly sheet today.  She will probably have to wear one most of the time.  I have one with a belly band and a neck cover but it is not practical if she goes out to pasture.  Not unless she promises to stay away from any bushes and trees down there.