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Friday, right?

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Friday, right?
  • Connie was your thunderstorm Thursday night or Wednesday night? Last night Teddy was freaking like there was thunder SOMEWHERE. who knows. He's so thunder shy. Between him and the cat I just got all the animals together and slept in the living room. At least I wasn't being woken up every little bit.

    Work was craziness - only two of us there, really. A third guy but he really has a different job. Still he's part of the office. We've got a team like no other.

    I intended to get something done when I got home but I can't seem to. I stopped at Goodwill and a yard sale on my way home. I think I got my shopping out! :)
  • The storm was Thursday evening.  Only about an hour in duration.  It did some damage in the area, not here.  A barn in DeRuyter was move, trees down.  Lots of power outages.  I told Cal it was going to get here but he didn't believe me.  He was in the shower when it hit and he got out in a hurry.

    An Auction tomorrow where they will sell out what is left at one of the few independent feed mills that were left in the area.  There are aots of gates there.  I could use some more but the sale is in Vernon and used gates at the Vernon auction bring a lot more than you can buy new.  Not really  interested in going, afraid we will buy more than we need.

    I really would like to find a competent carpenter and get some things done in the lower level here.  I want a bath room and bedroom and a kitchen there.  Just enough so we can live comfortable there in the summer.  It is mostly underground so there would not be a need for air conditioning in the summer.

    Glad things are going well at work, Hunter.