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Tuesday Closing Shift

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Tuesday Closing Shift
  • Honestly, not much different from yesterday LOL

    Got to work at seven yesterday, didn't get lunch until 3:30, didn't leave work until 7:30 UG it was so busy yesterday, some girls didn't even get lunch and had to leave at five. Mondays are the worst.

    I've got goldfish in our horse tank, water stays nice and clear. I've never had them in there through the winter though, so we'll see how it goes, we put a heater in the water to keep it from freezing solid out here, cause it will, so we'll see if they survive.

    Connie, I've heard of that steroid but I don't know much about it's use with large animal. We use it quite a bit in small animal medicine though, and I've never seen any kind of 'roid' rage with it, it's used mostly for illnesses, kennel cough, skin allergies, etc. I'm sorry your boy didn't work out, you'll find the one

    Dane, we are planning on visiting texas in spring, when I get my vacation time, so we'll go see if we like it or not.

    Work, work, work. I'm on our practice managers 'bad' list right now. I got eleven hours of overtime last pay period...and then the overtime from last night as well...she's gonna be so mad...
    I'd almost agree to cut hours for it but...only if I have to I guess.
    Better get to it, work in an hour and a half. I love my job, I love my job, I love my job. LOL I really do, the hours just get to me sometimes, and I like to sleep...not much of that going on lately.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • I feel like that sometimes. I really do love my job but sometimes I have to convince myself.  Today wasn't so bad.

    What's bad is MY Teddy dog ran loose and ate something - I suspect bones. He's in a very bad way. I'm hoping and praying he can pass this. It's bad. I'm scared for him.

  • Oh, Hunter, so sad to read this.  I had a dog that this happened to when well meaning people would give her bones.  We were fortunate that we had a vet that could go in the "exit" and fish them out.  Sure hope your beloved Teddy is okay.

  • Sorry to hear about Teddy, Hunter.  I've had two pets die of a perforated gut.  Both from chicken bones.  It terrifies me when my dogs happen to sneak chicken or turkey bones out of the trash.  Ribs aren't a whole lot better.  My roomate is an idiot in this respect and is constantly giving Annie ribs and other soft, splintery bones.  It seriously bothers me from time to time.  The dope wonders why I stay away at Oak Run so much and won't allow the dog to spend time with him.

    first day of sun for a week.  We've been getting drenched and it looks like another week or so of it again.  I may not be able to work on the barn next week as the forecast is another drenching right in the middle of next week.  That's okay.  I need a week off anyway.

    Socks' eye is coming along nicely.  The vet was really pleased with it last week.  Not looking forward to driving there in the rain on Friday.

    I'm getting tired of two minis and a big mare on the barn aisle.  They're all stall pigs and the constant rain blowing in doesn't help things.  Day before yesterday the two mini-mares were out in the yard in the rain.  they went out a white pony with black spots and a black pony and came back two mud monsters.  A matching pair of mud!  I'm not kidding.  They were completely covered from muzzle and ears to tail!  You couldn't tell that they were opposites in colour!  What a pair those two make!  I've been calling them Thing-1 and Thing-2.

    I am very much looking forward to this year being over.  It has been a lousy year all around.  Hopefully 2017 will be better.  

    Wish we had a better choice for President.  I don't care whom gets elected, they're all deplorable!  All the choices I can see are a narcissist, a criminal, and two idiots!  What... a... line-up!  Worst election in my lifetime.

    Well, on that generally upbeat tone, I do hope everyone has a great Thursday.  I have to get off here and give Socks one more dose tonight as well as walk a puppy.