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Monday madness

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Monday madness
  • I just got here so don't know if a thread was started on the old forum. 

    I guess welcome. I hope everyone finds us here. I'm not really sure how I got here myself. I feel like Alice in Wonderland.

    I just got up. And just finished talking with hubby. I miss him like crazy. but he is doing well.

    We had a long birth yesterday and the day before. I had one our sleep in over 36 hours. Well the couple wound up transporting and eventually having a c-section. ( I think unneeded, just mu OP) But the important thing is mom and baby are happy and healthy. I'm going to go visit them soon.

    Well it is crunch time. I need to put my studying into overdrive. So on that note I am off.

    I have miss you all and check in when I can on my phone but have been unable to post. Maybe it will let me now. That will thrill me! 

    Big hugs.

    Uh Oh, My spell check doesn't work here. I hope that changes. Or I'm in trouble. Well, you guys will be any ways because what you see is the edited version. lol
  • I am have such a blahhh day. I have senioritus like CRAZY. I dont want to do any work whatsoever. I have 2 assignments in Algebra I have to have done by the 10th I gotta finish (Big assignments) IN Order for me to graduate highschool this year
    and 3 finals in college.
    Not to mention that- my latest print in art class looks like a 5 year old did it and Im not happy with it at all.
    Which is sad because it was such a cool concept.

    oh oh OH and its RAINING!! WOO yeah. No riding for me. Great- my only release and I cant even do that!
    Im so doom and gloom today.

    I wont be later on tonight though... I get to go see nick =] Mm He always makes me feel better. Its weird. Only he and merlin can really calm me down and make me relax, I guess you could say my horse and my boyfriend are my only releases from stress C_C

    Hope your day was better than mine!!
  • It was a quiet day here, just working on my resume UGH but it's starting to look good so hopefully I'll get it done soon ':)'
  • Evening everyone,
    WOW Ive been gone for a while and what an upgrade..
    Is this still a part of h.con for country supply?
    Just thought Id get on to check mail and h.com is my mane page so to see a new forum and the shocked look it got I had to see whats up...
    Hi all beautiful day could use more rain tho..
    Wait a minute I have to start over on my posts and whats this  reward points?? WOW you guys have grown.. Do I have to apply for a credit card to get the reward points??
  • Evening Everyone! I had errands to run today, and then watched my 13 mo old grandson while my daughter painted for me. The horses rested today after being out at a club activity yesterday. I caught Dusty snoozing in his barn, he looked so cute.
  • Shiver!! Your here, Yippy!!  Havn't seen you for a while but now your gone again so....
    My day was busy after lunch time.  Hubby took Matthew on a play date and it turned into an all day thing.  He came home and fell off of the picknick table, scratched up his arms pretty bad but is ok.  Poor little guy was so tired but then again so was Hubby!!!
    Work went ok till we had to trim their feet.  Yearling decided to start rearing and cow kicking while the other older gelding just wouldn't stand still.  Did'nt expect farrier till next week so hadn't started messing with their feet yet.  Had to ear twich both of them to hurry and get it done.  Ran over to Moms to do chores and her cat was trying to have kittens on the porch.  First litter.  I had to keep putting her in the box in the barn.  I waited till she had the first one and was taking care of it but you never know with their first litter.  We'll see what becomes of it tomorrow.
    Matthew goes to my "real" moms house tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that everything goes ok.  He has a real bad habit of coming home and not listening after being there.