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Thursday thoughts

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Thursday thoughts
  • I'm busier than.....  you name it.  I tried to read Wednesday's and got to page 2 but I've really got to git.  (I noticed mandisu has an Irish accent)
    I've got a biggee test today.  ugh...  meeting yesterday....  Trying to work on house so it will be ready for my bff's visit next weekend.  Boywonder lost his 2nd weekend pass so I don't have to drive 20 hours this weekend.
    This computer has been wiped, supposedly.  It's been shutting down on me.  THAT's enough to make ya spit!!  I started a thread yesterday and lost it.  ERGGGG!
    Happy Thursday!  Hope the storms are gone - we're swamped!!
  •         Morning Hunterseat....> Irish huh??? Lol.
        Well I think that all the rain has stopped until tonight. We got over half an inch of rain last night.  Buttercup looks like a mud monster, Susey on the other hand,  ( said in an airy uptight voice ) Doesn't get dirty.... LOL. Only time is if she accidently lays down in the mud. I don't think she ever rolls unless I bath her.
    So Hunt, what did boyonder do to get his pass taken away? Naughty boys.
     Shopping this weekend, darn boys keep outgrowing they're clothes, all three of them. Hubs is basically wearing all his out.
    Well Coffee and brownies I made. Yum Yum.
    'Ave a good 'ay lassies and laddies!
  • Morning all,    basicially the same stuff here,  just a different day.
    hope the rain holds off.  Grass is getting so hi I just might have it baled.
    Hunter, some times there comes a point where you just have to backup,
    save all the important stuff  and do a reformatt back to original .
    It is time consuming to do,  but is the only way to clean out all the junk
    from websites and the operating system thinks it needs to keep.
    Mandisue,  well go wash that horse so she blends in with the crowd.   LOL
    everyone have a good day.
  • Morning folks.  How's the day treating ya?  Still sleepy around here, I havn't even had my coffee yet and Matthew is still sleeping.  Had a long day yesterday.  Matthew was doing really good with his potty training until I left for work and left Husband in charge.ARG  I tell ya that man can't multitask at all.  If he can't focus on one thing at a time he explodes.  Call me at work (right after the horse exploded) and is in a fit on when I am coming home.  Was gone an hour and a half total.  Oh well.
    As for the horse exploding, well we have him and a yearling in from the same farm.  Phil took the colt out for a walk around the place yesterday while I was working the older one.  I have never seen a horse come unglued that fast.  It was like flipping a switch.  He went from relaxed and was staying soft on the halter while I worked him on the ground to trying to drag me around the arena.  When I was done though I laughed as Phil came back in.  Told him that was the bes 10 minutes of training I've had so far with that horse.  We are going to do the same thing today I think.
    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Morning Everyone!
    Got a busy one here today and of course it's going to rain most of it at least they are saying tomorrow will be sunny.
    The princess is getting a message after I ride and then over to the other farm where I will be moving her to in June to see her buddy ':)'  oh yeah and the blankets are back from being cleaned got to pick them up fun fun
    I hope everyone has a fun and safe day ':)'
  • I am here.  Wow what a morning.
    Tons going on here.  Let's just say that the kids I work with are more adult than the adults I work with.
    Made it through speech and baseball last night and we are finally making progress with speech.
    I hope to be able to get some stuff done around the house tonight.  I meet with the bobcat guy tonight to get that bugger taken care of.

    Not sure what is going on this weekend for Mom's Day.  I honestly would not mind just hanging out and getting stuff done around the house.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Morning all,
    Today it is a cold and rainny day in NY... I am so not liking this weather... Well I have finally gotten my Graduation invites done for my party... now my cosins and my party, then posabilly our family reunion party to yet to get done... I will be happy when this is over. I am getting tired of Photoshop [:@]...  I have to hand out a bunch of invites tonight...I have less than a month left of school... report cards next week...Then watch our Morrisville Here I Come!!!!! [':D'][':D'][':D'][':D']
  • Looks like it's gonna be another scorcher out there today, sunny as far as the eye can see and I have all the sliders open to let in the morning air.
    Vet came, got shots done, didn't get Cody's foot X-rayed as he still has some blue glitter on his hoof from the parade that I can't scrape off!!  Had him look at a little scab on Spirit's sheath and he said it looks like the same thing (squamous cell carcinoma) we had removed last year....... he said to just keep an eye on it but that freezing it off usually doesn't work...... sigh....... darn cancer!!  I was wondering if maybe that "indian clay" stuff might zap it while it is still so small?
    More state testing today.  I am testing a group of really interesting 6th graders.  They are all Gifted, maybe Asperger's, have really interesting perspectives on things, are socially awkward, goofy kids!  Can't not talk for the life of them, have to think out loud but they're supposed to be testing........ sigh.  They keep me hopping!
    Gotta get hay tonight.  Have a great day, hope those of you who need a break from the rain get some sun today ':)'
  • Morning Ya'll,
    Gonna visit with the Gizard today, pick on the poor little  brat a bit lol.
    Gonna try to sneak a ride in on Grace either before I go see Gizmo or later tonight.   Didn't get a chance to ride her yesterday. 
    We have a young rider coming out tonight to see about riding Ginger. We're gonna see her ride Hazel first as a test to her abilities and if she seems a good enough rider she'll get to try Ging.  Ging is just so picky about who rides her. She is a Gem for my nephew but not so much for any adult that rides her. lol
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning everyone!
    Its Thursday - which means I actually get out of the house today!!!  This being laid-off thing is DRIVING ME NUTS.  But today its all good.  I'm headed over to the theraputic riding center today and get to try to keep up with the TWH they always put me with.  LOL.  He doesn't know the meaning of walking slow.  The kids love him and he is a good boy - so I guess that is all that matters.
    Oh - And hubby made us homemade apple fritters!  Yum!  The company is closed down for the week putting everyone on a week-long lay-off and so he comes home and bakes. 
    No wonder I can't lose weight!  [&:]
  • Bright and sunny here today!  I love spring!!!
    Hey Trainer 101-Must have been something in the air yesterday.  I too, had a 2 year old Quarter colt just come apart at the seams!  He is usually such an angel horse, but yesterday, he had the devil in him!  Had a look in his eye that said "make me if you think you can"!!   At the end of our session (all ground work), we were both worn out.  Today we will try it again, and he will probably act like the angel horse that he is.
  • Good morning.. afrternoon all. I am hom from Utah. Soo incredibly tired. Step dad is much much worse than expected. I really know I need to be there now. A brownie sure would be nice. I am soo tired I can't think straight. Taking Katie to the barn to ride after school. She has a show this weekend so I want her to practice. She did 2 17 second barrel runs on Sunday. If we could just knock off another scond that would be great. Have a great one everyone..
  • HEY Y'all!
    Have a dentist appointment later today.  UGH!  Wondering if I even want to go.  (After last week.)
    The last time I had The Lady out, she was such a snot!  Should be working her again, instead.
    Cat....TWH's just can NOT move slow!  They have their own pace.  I've always wondered how they (the other riders) get their horses to move SO slow!  Usually, I just set a pace and go with that...
    (Right now, The Lady is a MFT, but Angel before her was a TWH.)  I usually let her set her pace too.  I figure so long as we are just walking, we can lead the way!
    Tanya...sure hope this guy can solve yer Bobcat problems.
    Trainer...I remember those potty training days!
    Hunter...SLOW DOWN!  You only live once....enjoy it!
    Grace...good luck with that 'new' rider!
    Gotta git....
  • I passed my test today.  That means I get to keep my job.  No pressure there! :-D
    Went down to the neighbor horse farm this evening with my son's gf.  I just love those folks!  Love the horses, too!
    Zag is looking fat FAT FAT!  I think I'll start riding him around the field bareback just to try his foot out.  Miles and Dani did some good grazing in the yard this afternoon.  They all have round bales, though....
    I have too many dogs at my house. >:-/
  • The TWH wasn't going too fast today to keep up with, but he was unusually nippy.  I'm wondering if he was having some soreness in his joints - its been raining on and off and he has been stalled more than normal.  Usually he is a sweet gentle old soul.  An absolute saint to be so patient with his riders!
    hunterseat - congrats on being able to keep your job!