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Hello... Dallas thinks I need more work.

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Hello... Dallas thinks I need more work.
  • I took Chy out to the horses today. Had to put Dallas in the arena. Well... when I turned around this is what I saw...

    He's supposed to be a TRI Colored paint!

    Hey mom... I think I need a bath!

  • LOL - Don't you love when they do that? 
  • He just wanted to make sure he got his lovin' time too.
  • LOL...The Lady does that, too!  I need to bathe her again right now!  Waiting for it to get a bit warmer, tho....
  • No deffanently the best is right after you wash them and then they go roll... [:@]
  • It's the new "in" colour for paints![:-]
  • My guys looked like that yesterday too.  It was up in the low 90's and when I was watering the garden, they were hanging over the fence, begging to be sprayed, then they went and plopped down in the dirt and were caked.  Later I fed them and hosed them off again and they look pretty good because since they were eating they didn't roll again.  Grubby boys!
  • Oh my he must have had a good time getting that way ':)'
  • He looks like a bay to me. lol Had you just washed him? It doesn't look like it had rained. 

    How is his training coming? And how is Chy doing with her horse? I know that it was very ruff after the LadyBird.. but I hope they have made a conection.

    I was talking with my younger daughters the other day about how I love riding and miss riding with them. My middle daughter, Mary, turned to me and said she didn't. I said What? But you always use to. She said, well it is all your fault mom. You got us the most perfect horse in the world, then she died, and no one can be as good as she was. And since no one is that good I don't want to ride second best. And she was serious....
  • Hi Shiver.... Dallas is coming along great. He is an awesome little trail horse. Still needs work on arena stuff though.
    Chy never bonded with Missy. They just don't click, but Nico and Missy do great together. She is a great all around mare. ':)'
    Cheyenne was really loosing interest in riding because we couldn't find anything that she could warm up to. Loosing Ladybird was and is still very difficult. ':('
    Then we found Joe a little over a month ago. We are leasing him right now and he has been a God send. When Chy first tried him out, she was all over the place and couldn't get her seat because she didn't have her saddle. For 2 weeks she kept asking about that horse. It was love at first sight. The owner finally agreed to let us lease him and Chy has been in 7th heaven ever since. She and Joe REALLY click! He is a 5 yr old QH paint and just as sweet as can be. He takes care of her and CHY is training him for barrels. ':)'
  • I'm trying to figure out how everyone sees these pictures!  They look teensy to me!  sigh.... new forum....
    Okay, they finally got big.  I waited and waited and finally replied then went back and they were big.  And he is filthy!  ROFL!!!  (I'm really missing that smiley!)
  • LOL Hunterseat.. I know... He almost looks like a horse that needs to be rescued!!! [&:]
  • [quote=Country Girl 43]
    He almost looks like a horse that needs to be rescued!!! [&:]

    Not as long as he's owned by the CountryGirl family!  It's really nice to hear about your daughter's new horse! [':)']