Hey, it's back up!! This forum has more ups and downs than a roller coaster!  I'm on my way to bed, tired.  Busy weekend, up early to feed and get ready for Pony Club yesterday.  Looks like we've got another new member coming on which is wonderful.  Good lessons, horses/ponies were all well-behaved which makes for happy kids and parents.  They've started practicing their dressage tests for the upcoming rally.  Spent most of today at a Pony Club leadership meeting, then met everyone to celebrate Kelly's 14th birthday.  She got a really nice cell phone, was grinning from ear to ear :)
Back to the grind tomorrow, kiddos will be anxious to come see me :)  There are times when I feel so stressed about too much paperwork, too many meetings and too many kids to cram in but they still love coming so I must be doing something right :)  Sometimes I think they just like having someone who asks how they are, really listens to what they have to say and offers a "safe" place where no one criticizes their speech.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.