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Pictures!!! Hubby says "Say Yes!" New Filly

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Pictures!!! Hubby says "Say Yes!" New Filly
  • Went riding with a good friend of mine tonight, she had a great, relaxing ride on Spirit (that's my boy!), Cody was great too :) and she made a proposition.  A couple years ago, she bred her very nice TB mare to a great warmblood stallion and got a fantastic, leggy sporthorse filly.  The filly is now 2 and has a little handling, leads, that kind of thing, but hasn't gone anywhere, etc.  My friend is now re-evaluating what she's capable of, had hoped her daughter was going to help her train the filly and that hasn't happened.  They don't need to sell her but  she really wants her to go to a home where she will be used and loved and doesn't feel that she will ever be capable of riding her (she's a very nervous, timid rider).  She's offered her to me for free!!  She says we take really good care of our horses and she would trust her with us and knows I'd do a good job of bringing her along...... It's very tempting just from the fact that she is probably the most quality horse I'd ever get to work with in terms of bloodlines, conformation for eventing, etc.  I'm flattered that she would give her to me but trying to be realistic.  It would mean another year before she could be ridden.  I love doing groundwork and taking babies places, Cody's doing well enough now to pony her.  It would mean bringing a mare onto the property and throwing hormones into the mix.....  Some weeks I barely have time to ride my own horse and I already have my own horse.  Kelly would enjoy riding her at some point...... We have plenty of room for her here, could send the ponies back and use her as our companion horse....... She said if I ever wanted to sell her, she would want first right of refusal and if she sold, she'd want half of whatever she sold for.  Any opinions?




  • I think you should take her. [':D']
  • Who's going to foot the feed/vet/farrier bills?  How likely are you to sell her?  If you end up selling her and your friend takes half of whatever she sells for you could be getting the short end of the stick on that deal... if you're putting in the hours for training and feed/vet/farrier I think that's worth more than half of her value...particularly if we're talking about several years into the future.  JMO. 
    I think it's really great that your friend recognises her capabilities and wants the horse to be used and loved.  I also think it could be a great opportunity for you and your family if eventing is your thing and you think she'd be good for it.  If you love doing groundwork and taking babies places then you sound like the perfect person for her at this point in her life.  Take her.  [':)']
  • I agree with samsera on that.  If she is giving her to you to care for, train and ride if you sell her the money she should get back is stud fee and bills up to giving her to you.  It seems a bit unfair to you to split it down the middle when you will have the most time invested.  I could just be greedy though!  LOL[':D'
    I'm not big on mares either but if she is going to excel in a particular sport and you know she will, ti would be a great way to get started and then if its a mutal interest with the kids perhaps you could sell her down the road to get an even better prospect.  Of course if your like me you will get attatched and she will have a great home!
  • Thanks for your thoughts ':)'  I was thinking about asking her if instead of just giving her to me, if she would pay for feed/farrier/vet and we would just get the pleasure of working with her ':)'  She's already said that she would continue to pay for health ins. on her even if we take her and that she doesn't need to sell her, will keep her if she doesn't find just the right home.  Not sure how much she'd be worth but they spent thousands getting her mother in foal to this stallion.  I'd also thought about asking her if she'd like me to help her bring her along.  It's sad that she worked so hard to get this beautiful baby and now feels like she'll "never, ever be able to ride her."  One of those dilemmas, so tempting but then reality creeps in and puts doubts in my mind...... I took a risk taking in Cody when he was a PMU baby and that has turned out fantastic but......... you never know.  At my other place, I wouldn't have even been able to consider it because we had limits on the number of horses but here, we have room.......
  • Did you just say somewhere you have friends losing their place and you'll probably take their horses in for a while?

    Dare I ask if you've run this by your husband?

    I agree about the half of the sale (with sam and trainer) but honestly I wouldn't be taking her to sell.

    Have you seen her to be sure about conformation, etc?  Are you talking American Warmblood stud or a REAL warmblood (and what kind would that be - out of curiosity?)

    How far is Kelly wanting to go?  This might be the horse that can take her.  Kelly looks amazing jumping but is her heart in it for the long haul?  Tahoe is limited now, right? (but I love him to pieces).  The only way I'd take this horse, Dana is to steer it towards Kelly and she would have to really be involved in all facets, even taking her on as a 4H/pony club project.  I mean seriously.  If not, then I'd pass.  You have too much else going on.  Too many irons in the fire.  Don't forget how long it takes warmbloods to mature mentally, too.
  • We are definitely keeping the neighbor's horses for a while until they hopefully get their feet back under them.
    I've mentioned it to hubby.  At some point we want to get a horse for him too.  He likes riding Kelly's Tahoe.  Kelly is very into it right now, wants to help out with training her and such but you can never predict what a kid will want to do from one year to the next.  I'm perfectly content with the level of eventing that Cody can take me to, not interested in much over 3 feet but Kelly loves to jump and in Pony Club her next jumping height is 2' 6", then 2' 9", then 3' so she will eventually need a higher level horse. 
    Jewel, the filly is a true warmblood although I couldn't tell you what type the stallion is.  She can do the inspections and such.  I've seen her since she was about 3 mos. old and she is drop-dead gorgeous ':)'
    Having raised Cody, I understand the time it takes.  We didn't get on him until he was 3, didn't really trot him until 3 1/2, started working him a little more with longer trail rides at 4 and didn't canter or go near jumps until he was 5.  With my work schedule it actually works out nicely because we'd learn something, then he'd get to digest for a while and then I'd have time to work with him again.  He did great in Pony Club today, they were doing grids and he's really getting down the striding and is eager to go now ':)'  In June, Kelly and I will have 2 1/2 mos. off to put in some decent time ':)'
    Well, thanks for your input.  I'm also mentioning her to my horsey friends to see if anyone else might be interested in her.
  • You could work out a deal on selling her where you agree on a percentage if you sell her in the 1st year. Each year thereafter, her percent drops and eventually hits zero.  Need to factor in your cost for a year and make sure you don't lose in the end.
  • ooh!  That's a great idea face!!  Dana, it sounds like a win/win, the more you talk about it.  I hope the herd will be nicer to her than they are to the ponies!  Having a little girl added to a herd of 3 geldings can definitely cause some interesting effects!  "she's MY baby!"  "NO SHE'S MINE!" [':)']  Dani lifts her tail to everyone, the hussy.  That really confuses them! 
  • I was discussing this with hubby and he's interested.  We agreed the ponies would need to go back, wouldn't need them as companions anymore, plus with the neighbor's horses coming we'll have plenty of companions around here.  Gotta break that news to my friend ':('  I know as a single mom, she was enjoying having them off her feed/farrier bill.
    Cody's always very interested in fillies, mares, gets that goofy Joey "How you doin?" look on his face!!
    Kelly and I are going to go over and see her again.  Oh!  My friend also said she'd give me all her jumps with her...... Kelly would be in heaven!
  • [quote=danastark]
     Oh!  My friend also said she'd give me all her jumps with her...... Kelly would be in heaven!

    *Falls over in a dead faint*

    (Secretly plotting AGAIN how to become a part of your family)

  • Talked to my friend and we're going to get together this weekend so my hubby can see Jewel, the filly.  I'll take my camera.
  • I can't wait!  I'm excited FOR you!!!!  Be sure to get some of the standards, as WELL as the jumps!  rofl
  • You have a good hubby!
  • I agree Appy, for a motorcycle guy, he's pretty stellar ':)'  I did have some leverage because he just bought himself a brand new motorcycle ......... I didn't pull that card but I'm sure it was on his mind and he's been around horses long enough now to know a good deal and that his wife doesn't make crazy, impulsive decisions ':)'
    How old is your filly?