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Monday, Monday... ba-daaa...ba-da-da-da

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Monday, Monday... ba-daaa...ba-da-da-da
  • Sort of looks like a healing bug bite of some sort.....
    Worn out from another night spent working until bedtime and another busy day with another meeting to prepare for tonight...... I just keep remembering I have a week off coming up early next month and we've already got a horse camping trip booked!
    Made a video of Jewel yesterday to send to the two people who have called me and one of them is coming tomorrow after work to see her.  She owns a half-sister to her.  My riding buddy who bred her and gave her to me said her siblings (full Hanoverian) are selling for 15,000 and up..... maybe I should have asked for more BUT she's not registered and to do so will be a pain in the ....... because my friend gave her mother to a therapeutic riding place so she would have to be inspected, etc. I would think to get her inspected as an Oldenberg?
    Well, gotta run and feed.  Got up to 88 yesterday!  Cooler today and supposed to be back down into the 60's by tomorrow.
    Oh!  Theodore the bunny was rehomed yesterday and hopefully he will happily live out his days on a nice farm in Lake Elsinore with a family ':)'
  • I found a bizarre knot on his chest.

    Pigeon Fever
  • [quote=DaneHaven]

    I found a bizarre knot on his chest.

    Pigeon Fever

  • Oh Sh-t. That's exactly it.  DANG fire nakid.  I guess I'll go put him in the yard away from the others.  CRAP CRAP CRAP
  • So can I put hot compresses to it to help drain it?  I can't do a vet bill right now.  Maggie's next in line for the vet.  Can the dogs get it?  I moved him to the yard. 
  • We have had tons of it here due to the drought. 
    Tonto is the only one of mine that got it. His actually started on his neck about 4 spots. The worst on his neck looked like a bullet hole. It went down to his chest. The knot in his chest was as big as a baseball.
    Dr. K cultured Tonto's just in case because it presented differently than most. 
    Everyone here has just let it run it's course. A few gave antibiotics with no real difference.

    I did not separate him from Tex and Chica and they didn't get it. R & C had 3 or 4 out of 20?
    Ms. B  had 2 or 3 out of 5 get it. It has been very random?
    I don't think dogs get it??

    Did you get my pm's???
    I think Maggie's lump is probably just a lypoma. If it is soft and pliable, I would just monitor it.
  • As long as it has opened and is draining, there's no need for a vet bill if it's Pigeon Fever. How/warm compresses will help. Be sure you sterilize everything you use on him and also the ground. A bleach solution works well. (Not on the horse, of course. [':)'] ) Novalsan is another option and that can be used on the horse. And wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. I've had one horse with Pigeon Fever and none of the others got it. It's mostly spread by infected (with the exudate) bug bites.
  • [quote=hunterseat]

    So can I put hot compresses to it to help drain it?  I can't do a vet bill right now.  Maggie's next in line for the vet.  Can the dogs get it?  I moved him to the yard. 

    Pigeon Fever was what I was thinking too.  You need to get him on antibotics asap keep him away from all your other horses, Keep checking them for lumps.
    As for applying a hot compress I'm not sure. It's usually something a vet has to lance and drain. I know when a barn I use to work at back home in Louisiana had an outbreak of it, The vet put drain lines in and the we had to keep them flushed out. Plus give 10 cc of antibotics everyday for 10 days.
  • how bad his life is with constant discomfort... anyway I had to listen and every health care professional is in agreement. He's got no quality of life. He can barely lay down. He's got a bad front leg from racing and bad hips from the bad front leg. So I got a reply.  She wants me to ship him back to her.  Okay I can.  But I don't like the thought of him being in pain until he finally dies or collapses.

    Option 1 -  
    Have every Equine Professional you can find write a letter saying it is inhumane to prolong his                         suffering. Send the whole pack to her along with the &nbsp';p'hone number for your attorney? 

    Option 2 -   
    Send her a letter in about a month and say he passed away before you could make arrangements                 to ship him back? 
  • Wow. This thread got popular all of a sudden! [':)'] *waves to the lurkers*
    The really bad thing is I expect I'll have to relocate in a month or two or less and Zag needs health papers.  I don't have a start date, though. How long do you think it takes to run its course?  I read that it's kin to strangles. My horse farm neighbors don't do anything for that.  But there's no vaccine for PF. Also it said antibiotics might prolong the symptoms but I think that depends on if it's external or internal. This is right on the surface.  (no bleaching the horse. Got it!)
    Yes, I got your pm. Sorry for not replying. I'm not sure if I'm coming or going and whichever way I'm moving, I forget what I was going to do once I get there.
    I expect Maggie has a fatty tumer. It's rather firm and it's right along her chest wall behind her elbow. It's&nbsp';p'retty large. I just want to have it confirmed. She needs her Rabies and hw stuff anyway so we can take care of it all.  I'm putting her and Major back on PetFinders but the whole rescue scene is saturated. I might find a place to board them in CT. I'm reaching out to rescues up there for temporary homes.  Not having a lot of luck. I mentioned a friend in this area to keep them temporarily. Then we'd have to figure out  how to get them when we get a place for them. It's a 2 1/2 day drive up there - or just two grueling days of driving.
    I can't imagine how excruciatingly uncomfortable Miles will be travelling to Wisconsin. I'm not liking that person very much right now.  But by contract, she could come after me and she probably would.  She mentioned two other horses that have lived there in pain for many many years.  When I first emailed her I cc'd vet, dentist, and Bowen therapist. I could also get a note from the vet. I've spoken with him.  I told her I could get a full analysis of him by the vet if she wanted but she wasn't interested. She wants to save them all. It hurts me to imagine him up there again. He hated the winter up there when I first met him. [':(']
    eta: Thanks so much for all the input, my friends.
  • Antibiotics really don't help Pigeon Fever OR Strangles. They are both very encapsulated and the antibiotics don't get into the abscess. When Kabarr had Strangles, the vet had me irrigate the open abscesses with a Novalsan solution. We never really did anything about the Pigeon Fever - just kept it clean. We had to have hers lanced but sometimes they open on their own. (As an aside, she was also a Standardbred...nice horse.)
  • Hunterseat, would the director of the adoption place listen to reason if the vet sent her a note/email? I think sending a horse out of state in that shape would be agony for the poor horse, I'd be insulted bu what she said to you about giving him a chance...jeez. Hope the swelling on his chest isn't Pidgeon fever....
  • If Miles needs an interstate health certificate in order to travel back to the "rescue lady" and can't pass the physical to get one, what happens then?
  • Really good question Connie. 
    btw, Zag hasn't drained yet. The farrier said once it drains he's not contagious anymore.  hmmm....  Glad he says so since he'll be hauling him to KY for me.