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Dog gets sick during storms!

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Dog gets sick during storms!
  • My moms beagle gets herself very worked up whenever it looks like its going to storm. When the storm hits she paces back and forth and has got sick a few times and also has went to the bathroom on the floor. Is there anything that she could give her to settle down during the storms? They put her in her cage and cover it up, but she still sits there shaking!
  • You can give her Benadryl - probably ask your vet for dosage or you can find it on line.  Watch for storms and be really careful what and when you feed her to help her not have too much to.... expell.  That will help you, too.  I think having her in her crate is a good idea but I know my dogs really want to be where I am when it's storming.  Poor baby girl.
  • I give Jade (11 lb MinPin) 1 tab of the Children's benadryl.  This is double what she should get and it doesn't really seem to slow her down any... she is a Min Pin though [8|]
    My parent's lab gets pretty sleepy when she takes it... I think most dogs do if they aren't psychotic.  You can use the weight recomendations on the bottle for your dog.  Make sure it's the kid's stuff though.
  • doesn't really seem to slow her down any... she is a Min Pin though
    ... I think most dogs do if they aren't psychotic.

    ROFL!!!  Phychotic..... bwahahaha.... minpin..... snort....
  • thanks everyone. I do feel sorry for her. They found her when she was around 6 months old. She was so thin. Now she is healthy and sleeps on her own couch.LOL But she is a very nervous dog when storms hit.