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An unexpected Addition

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An unexpected Addition
  • Well. I friend of mine from the pet store I used to work with greeted me with "Thank god, you can help me!" And pulled out an aproximately 5 day old kitten. Her friend had pulled him from the jaws of her dog after the dog had torn a hole in a fence to get to the kitten.
    We weren't sure if he was going to make it the first night, but it's day 3 and he is getting stronger. He was in shock and stressed, but not physicly hurt execpt for a cut on his leg.
    Here is a look at him. No name yet until we are sure he is going to make it, I will be happy once he starts taking the bottle as right now he is not eating well.
  • Awwww, such a wee little wobbly guy.  His eyes are open.  Doesn't that usually happen after about 10 days?  Hope he starts eating better, have you tried an eye dropper?  How about "Phoenix" since he's rising from a potential disaster?
    Goodluck with him.
  • Bad news, my husband is going to the emergency vet visit. The kitten smelled, and we thought it was an upset tummy from the formula or from being in the mouth of a dog. Then I made the discovery, it was covered by a fold of skin, but there is a punture wound through the back of his skull. He has been getting stronger and nursing well, but that smell has got to be from infection. I have to work so my dear husband is doing the dirty work today.
    We would welcome positive thoughts for this baby who has had a rough short life so far.
    Oh, as for age, we had two one week olds that had their eyes open (my first rescues) for age we go by size and the fact he can't walk yet. The vet will let us know if he is about 5 days, or just a VERY tiny baby.