Breeding my first doe went without a hitch, so far! She 'kindled' (gave birth to) 10 kits (babby bunny wabbits) on day 29.5 of her pregnancy. 30 days is the golden average for rabbits. This was her first pregnancy. I was concerned that she would not have them in the nest box - she has piled hay and fur in 3 different places - and I had to leave for work the day she was 'nesting'. My husband called me when he got home that evening to give me the news. All the babies were in the nest box and Mama bit Dear Husband when he went to check them out (Go mama!)

She has tolerated curious humans peeking into the nest box and handling the babies. There are 10 - 8 pinkies and 2 blackies. The buck is an orange New Zealand cross, so he passed on the solid color to the black kits, and I am hoping that some of the pinkies will have red coats when their fur comes in!