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Ditched dog (vent)

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Ditched dog (vent)
  • I found a basset hound tied to a sign in town the other night on my way home from the bar.  She was tied up with a piece of rope on a well travelled road.  It was 2 am when I found her.  I called the police told them I had her and took her home.  It still gets a bit chilly here at nights and street signs are no places for dogs.  In the morning I called the police and told them I still had her, then I called the sheriff's office, then I called the local radio station, the local humane society and the other 2 humane societies within 75 miles.  I left a description of the dog my name and phone number.  Then I sent a picture text to every person in my phone that lives in the area. 
    NO ONE has called about her.  I've had a few people offer to take her should I be unable to keep her but no owner has stepped forward.  [:(]
    I call her Hariette.  She is smallish for a basset.  Tri colored with one blue eye. (blue eyed animals kind of creep me out but I like hers).  She has been so sweet and loving with manners and house training.  She seems healthy and well taken care of.  I gave her a bath today and she was fine for it.  She loves to cuddle and wants you to pet her ALL THE TIME.  She doesn't act like she's been abused at all. 
    I really want to know what her story is.  I can't imagine someone dumping such a wonderful dog on the side of the road.  Was it a tearful goodbye from a well meaning owner who just didn't know what their options were?  Did the owner die and the person who inherited her not like dogs?  Was she stolen?  Was she running free and a well meaning passerby tied her up so she wouldn't get hit by a car?  Are her owners out of town and don't know she's missing? 
    If she was dumped the person who dumped her must either have a broken heart and no brain (there is a humane society in town and classifieds ads!) or no heart at all...in which case their brain doesn't matter much.   
    She's fitting in quite nicely at my house...though her presence does put me one over the animal limit for city limits.  Bro's GF wants to take her but she's graduating college in a month, isn't quite sure where she will be working (thinks WY but it's not confirmed yet) she usually works on guest ranches and it's my understanding those people put in some really long hours during the day.  Hariette, being a basset, really can't be trusted off leash and they really need human companionship (or so I've been reading) or else they get bored and destructive.  I really don't think it's a good time in her life to have a dog.  I know when I was graduating college I wanted a dog too but I forced myself to wait until I had a "real" job and housing that would allow dogs.
    Sorry for the novel.  I'll stop now.  If you made it this far go have a cookie. 
  • A friend who had a fox hunting club and hounds also had a pack of bassets.  They'd go out occasionally. 
    I hope you find a good home or better yet, the original owner claims her!  Maybe there was a huge mix-up and she can go home. 
    Thanks for not leaving her!!! 
  • Awww, can't imagine who would leave her tied up at that time of night.  Glad you found her ':)'  Wish my big guys were as easily tamed.  Sounds like somebody must have wanted her found and couldn't take care of her, otherwise they might have just let her go loose.