Posted : 11/10/2012 5:48:10 PM
Yes, definitely a 60 foot round pen is great! We use ours for everything from my little mini stallion Firefly (34 inches tall), to Ron's huge Hackney mare River, (almost 17 hands), and everything in between.
LOL, yeah, the minis can just about do syncronized driving with each other in there whilst River and Condessa barely have room to do a circle! No way could we drive her in there! Minis, gotta love 'em! Everything is so easy to do, so inexpensive (comparatively speaking)! Besides, when one has a mini like Fire, there's the advantage of the live plush toy![
] He's such a good boy![
Sorry for the digression, just couldn't resist.[
Yeah, I would think sixty feet is a minimum for a round pen. Solid walls help also. The pictures below show my ideal of a round pen. This one is a touch small at between forty to fifty feet. However, in every other way it's perfect! The horses are between sixteen-three and sixteen-two. These pictures were taken at the Cal. State Fresno Horse Unit. A wonderful, if a bit run-down, facility.