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Poor horse, conformation issues....

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Poor horse, conformation issues....
  • Saw this ad on Craigslist.... $3500.... do they not see that this poor horse has major issues with its pastern joints?http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/grd/4024710953.html
  • ...have mercy. And they ride him like that. It could be a result of incorrect trimming, couldn't it? I hope someone gets that horse out of there. But really? I just bought an 07 Kia Rio for that. 
  • His heels are too long, but at "tres anos", if he's been trimmed that way for so long, I wouldn't give him much hope for changing that. POSSIBLY, if someone got him and gently, over time, shortened those heels, he might be OK. Or he may have been born with club feet. Sad...
  • My farrier was just talking about a horse like that he fixed in the valley.
    I wish I could just record his sessions. [>:]