Posted : 5/30/2011 5:59:59 PM
Here's a survey that was done in the UK. Its now considered abusive to allow a horse to get obese. Nice turnaround from only taking action when a horse is too thin...I take a sigh of relief!
I only wish they had this kind of awareness where I live. So many times, I've seen abandoned ponies for sale at top prices and the pics show them in a full laminitic stance, unbeknownst to the owner! I KNOW they don't want me to come and look at their horse!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGyebMZZ9C0&feature=related I didn't fill out the survey here. I've never had an IR horse and hopefully never will, but I treat them like they are IR anyway. For all the people who answered this survey, they are aware, because they had to treat it. There are many, many others who are not even aware that the problem exists in the first place. Those are the ones that need some education. By the time they become aware, its too late and damage is done and now they have to learn to treat it and its no easy road that never ends for the rest of the horse's life. Know it.