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fast heart rate, near death, PLEASE HELP!

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fast heart rate, near death, PLEASE HELP!
  • Heart reate (bpm) : 120-130 AT REST Temp; 101.5 Breath per minute: 25 Swollen abdomen filled with fluid Gut sounds Capilary refil is fine, color is fine easily out of breathe weak sheath swollen/tendon swollen no bite marks laying down kicking feet depresses stopped eating/drinking Please help! My friends horse became really sick in the past week and the vet has no idea what is going on! The horse is lethargic an they can see the heart beat in his neck! Please help! Thank you! Read more:&nbsphttp://www.horseforum.com/horse-health/fast-heart-rate-near-death-need-73946/#ixzz191h7XgBD
  • If the vet hadn't checked him out, I'd say some sort of congestive heart failure....... how sad ':('  Some sort of virus except the temp isn't bad.......  Well, I certainly hope the vet can sort it out.
  • I am certainly no expert but it could be that it is some form of poisoning that your vet hasn't picked up on? Did he do bloodwork because that could help identify the problem. Im so sorry to hear about your friends horse and i hope it get better soon!