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When to start joint supplements?

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When to start joint supplements?
  • Spirit, our POA pony is approximately 16 this year, in very good weight, sound and moves along very nicely but he does do Pony Club and jumps about 2 feet on a pretty regular basis. He gets seen by the chiropractor and so far he's doing well but his back has started to drop some in the last year.  I was wondering at what age do most of you start some sort of joint supplement?
  • I'd say he'd do well on them.  Are you feeding him Senior?  I think some of that has some joint stuff in it.
  • [quote=hunterseat]

    I'd say he'd do well on them.  Are you feeding him Senior?  I think some of that has some joint stuff in it.

    No, right now he's fat and sassy on grass hay and about 1/2 C. flax meal, 1/2 C. Purina Strategy pellets.  He needs to lose weight really and I'm hoping with more exercise, that will happen.  I'm just wondering at what age are they considered a "senior?"