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Reason I've been MIA

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Reason I've been MIA
  • We lost Chester kitty.

    Not a huge shock, we were toying with the idea of putting him down, but it ended up being a little more traumatic than I had anticipated.
    His medicine stopped working, he started having seizures increasing in intensity for about a week. We were frantically adjusting doses, taking blood, trying to get his levels back to normal, but it takes time for the medicine to build up in his system. He had a horrible seizure, I couldn't grab him to keep him from hurting himself, he ran behind the couch and got stuck. It comes apart into individual pieces, but in order to move one you have to move the other and so on. He was stuck behind the last piece. It was chaos, I was throwing furniture, screaming for my husband, the dogs were barking, Chester was howling... When I finally got to him, his seizure had stopped, he was just laying limp against the wall. We rushed him to the vet, the vet tech's worked hard to make him comfortable, and he drifted away peacefully.
    I'm still having a hard time, you know thinking if I could have grabbed him, he wouldn't have suffered so badly, maybe I did something wrong in the beginning, like the epilepsy was my fault somehow, I know I shouldn't blame myself but it's difficult not too...
    Now I'm having a hard time bonding with the kittens we picked up, which is weird for me, I don't know, little Monroe is acting like Chester did when he was little, making the same noises, trying to cuddle with me the same way Chester did, which is just painful, sometimes I can't even hold him, I have to give him to my roommate and leave the room.

    It's all okay now though, Chester is no longer suffering so that makes me feel a little bit better about it.

    Everyone else is doing well, Hubby is leaving in Sept. roomie will be leaving in Oct. Not sure I'm ready for that but I'll manage.

    I hope everyone is doing okay, life goes on and I hope it's treating you all well

  • Oh no. That would be so terrifying to go through. I was thinking this morning how horrible it is to do something that injured or killed a beloved pet. btdt. But you've provided more love for Chester (and all your animals) than most cats have ever known.

    Do we ever love another animal as much as we love our "favorites"? Probably not but just when we're sure we won't, another comes along who pulls that love out of our hearts.

    You have such a big heart. Healing is a tough thing. I'm just so sorry it was so traumatic for you. I cried over the loss of my old cat just the other day. I left him at a kennel when I went to Kuwait and I'm pretty sure they didn't protect him and dogs got him. It horrifies me even now. I'm so sorry. :(

  • I'm sorry to hear this. But remember you're a great animal mama and you gave him everything. Hugs.

  • So sorry to hear things went so chaotically at the end but glad he is finally at peace.  You gave him everything you could and that's all he could ask for.  I lost my 13 year old cat about 4 mos. ago to a pulmonary embolism, very sudden and sad.  He died in the car on the way to the vet :(  I still miss him every day, so used to seeing him around and expect him to be in his favorite places.  I , too wondered if there was something I could have done but according to vet, it happens.  Hang in there and love on those kitties when you can.  Healing takes time but all of our animals help us out with that.