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urine in a white tail

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urine in a white tail
  • i cut a section of my horses tail and it is very very stained. ive used the purple shampoo, human shampoo and everything i could think of and nothing is getting the urine out. can anyone offer me suggestions?
    thanks so much,
  • Okay, recently I saw the answer you need, now if I could just remember what it was...

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. (one suggestion)

  • Sorry I can't realate

  • What Beth means is to soak the tail with Apple Cider Vinegar.  The acidic in ACV will take the uric acid stain out of the tail.  ACV also had the advantage of being inexpensive and available at almost any store.  When you do get it clean, I would suggest keeping the tail braided, at least, in a sock might help also.