My name is Heather DuFour. I am now offering PERSONALIZED
Online Coaching to assist you and your horse! To learn more about me and my background, visit my About 
age. Or, you can type in www.dufourdressage.com to view my website.
Riding horses has always been a part of my life, but now it#%92s bigger than just myself. I#%92ve set out on a mission embrace the gift of the horse. There are so many ways to celebrate our equine partners. Whether you want to be in the show ring or play on the trails; everyone should have the opportunity to discover their full potential. I want to help unlock that inner equestrian artist in all of you. Improve your physical fitness, balance, and communication, all while maintaining a strong partnership built on trust.
With Online Training, you will receive:
One hour of feedback -Through video, phone, and/or Skype (Whatever suits you best)
Lesson plan for the remainder of the week (Exercises for you AND your horse)
Descriptive exercises to work on -Through video, illustration, or verbal description (written like dressage test)
Unlimited responses to questions via. email -Open 7 days after my initial feedback sent
For more information, you can watch this YouTube video or visit my website:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsIke-6Om-Q Thank you!
Heather DuFour