Hi all,

Some of you have no doubt heard me rave about the great service I'm subscribed to; FeedXL.com which is a diet analysis & balancing program & nutritional consultation service. Great news is that it's about to be released in UK & Sth Africa for those interested and it will be FREE to begin with!(Wish it were here!) So make the most of it people and get onto the site! Even if you don't decide to sign up when they formally release it, you'll get a lot out of it in the short term. Below is a copy of the post they sent about the release on their forum...

Due to our reliance on country-specific feeds databases, we can't just offer FeedXL to everyone in the world, we have to build up our feeds lists country-by-country.

We're now making preparations to expand into the UK and South Africa but we need from horse owners in those countries because it's difficult for us to find out exactly what's available there by ourselves. So, as we've done before, we're starting a Beta version for these new countries which will be free for anyone living there that would like to help us out until we decide that we have comprehensive enough databases to make a formal release.

So, if you know anyone in these countries that owns a horse and would benefit from FeedXL (what horse owner wouldn't?) then send them our way. They simply need to visit feedxl.com where our web site will recognise what country they are in and give them special instructions on how they can register their interest in helping us out.

We're just collecting names of interested people at this stage and once we start our Beta we won't be sure exactly how long it'll take to get to a satisfactory database size (at least a few months probably) but it'll be free for people in the UK and South Africa until we release.


-- Rod