I have just started introducing my 3-4 year old (no papers, no birthdate) to harness in order to break him to drive. We are going slow, and not for the horse's sake he acts like harness is old bag to him (as far as I know has never worn it) just can't afford the outfitting right now.
I have primarily driven single and double miniature horse hitches, but Sky has the perfect temperment for a carriage horse.
Mini's always drive barefoot, and Skylar is currently barefoot. I wanted some driver's opinions on if Sky would be safe staying barefoot for an hour or two drive once a week. It wouldn't be to much on the growth of his hoof, but I have researched barefoot riding, but there is Nothing on barefoot driving.
So I turn to my fellow light carriage drivers on your opinions if a horse can safely drive without shoes.