So, cobs get lots of grief for being "slow" and "lazy" and "heavy on the hands" but are they really? What do you think?

My experience with not-so-slow cobs started with a cob called Jester, who's favourite trick was, when asked to canter, going straight into the lumpiest canter imaginable coupled with a series of large broncs. He was not lame, or in pain, he was just pig-headed. Another trick of his was when out on a cantering hack, to take off full tilt and he would often out-strip the other horses who were ex-racehorses and eventing thoroughbreds. Then my cob mare Lucky, was sold to me cheap, along with her delinquent daughter Indie, because she was "dangerous" and would spook violently at anything, buck, rear and tank off when asked to canter. She isn't dangerous, AT ALL, I can ride her in a head collar past fast moving, noisy, smoky farm machinery and she wouldn't bat an eyelid. The girl who had her just couldn't ride because she bombproof and still has some real get up and go!