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Hey! Arabian owners!

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Hey! Arabian owners!
  • So I recently inherited a 2 yr. old Arabian.  Guy who owned him swears that he will mature to 15 hands.  The gelding is currently 13 hands and I say, "There is no way that this horse will be 15 hands."  He is also very underweight with other various minor issues affecting him.
    I have in the past worked with racing Arabians...breaking and training them, and I do not recall those 2 yr. olds being small.
  • Is that Eli?  He better do SOMETHING to grow into that head!  [':)']  I have some pictures someone sent me as encouragement with Dani.   She was extremely small and nearly starved.  She's 3 now and still butt high.  I need to go measure her.  I'm looking for 14.2 out of her.  I was told her mom was 15.3 and her dad was 16+ so that would have been a good size for me.  Her mom was in fact 14.2 and her dad reportedly died before she was born, so who knows his real height. She's way too small for me but she sure does a great job babysitting my blind horse!!!  I love her! I'll ride her at 14.2 but I don't know if I will keep her or not.  I guess as long as Bully is here she's safe.
    I'd say there's a little growing left in Eli!
  • Yep, that's Eli.  He was sent for me to break along with no money to break him and then handed over.  Owner says both his parents are 15 hands.  He has a fungus from mid-neck the whole way down both front legs and across his belly (starting to clear up now).  Bites, kicks and strikes.  Long hooves (not yet taken care of due to trying to get him to learn to pick up his feet without trying to hurt someone).  Flinches when you go to touch him (getting a bit better about it).  The link to the pic I posted doesn't show how his ribs and backbone stick out.  Poor little guy is a mess.  Plus to top it all off, I'm hyper-vigilant about my own broken toes so that when he strikes and kicks all I can think is...please don't step on me : (
    You remember when we were discussing determining the mature height of a horse by measuring the cannon bone, front leg, etc...well if there's any truth to it 13.2 hands is about all it's going to be.
    I am hoping, probably unrealistically, that someone knows something I don't and Eli will magically grow overnight or perhaps until he's 10.
  • eli sounds great i wish i could have him except for the part that he has fungus 
  • The fungus is all cleared up now and the hair is growing back in.