I have a blue eyed, cremello colt outta a BLM mare. Whether or not she came off the range pregnant by another mustang or was impregnated by a QH at the ranch she was at is uncertain, the lady I bought Boo! from got her pregnant and no one knew by whom.
The paperwork on her didn't say she was pregnant. So I figger he is half mustang and half Quarter horse, unless she was just pregnant when they nabbed her. She was a pretty little buckskin, btw.
Anyone else have mustangs, or any feral or wild descendant horses?
He was a rescue, the lady I got him from had fallen on hard times. The first pic is of him when he first got here last summer. The second pic is him about 2 months later. The last pic is a recent one of him, tho not in color. He is small, but VERY agile, and level headed.