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Daisy skids a tire!!

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Daisy skids a tire!!
  • Scored a tack lot recently and got some driving pads and a singletree!! wooo
    so that means Daisy had to test it out!
    as far as I know this is the first time she had to pull something!!

    new pad, i think it's for a breastcollar tho, but it fit her driving saddle perfectly!!

    YAY donkey work!

    and of course a little video!

    I only actually 'drove' her bout  20% of the time,  I just wanted her to get used to pulling something behind her.
  • I really like this.  Daisy seems like such a pleasant beastie to deal with.  She seems like she's really concentrating on her job.  She must enjoy working. (I almost had like in every sentence.)
  • ya she really seemed to focus!
    she does keep me on my toes though!

    she really is a great donk, never has any problem with me putting things on her- tarps, pool floaties etc.

    she probably wont skid another tire, maybe something lighter. with the *** strap it was putting too much downward pressure on the neck strap.  WOuld love to get her a collar to pull with someday.

    she was really good about me 'rearranging her' everytime she'd get all out of whack and step over the tugs.