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Driving miss Daisy!

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Driving miss Daisy!
  • I went out & tried Daisy's harness on her that I had bought last year at a tack swap.  It pretty much fit!! I need to make new straps for the britchen though, its a little on the snug side, not tight but someone told me it should be a bit looser.

    Daisy did great, I've only driven one donkey in my entire life, I dunno if she had ever driven before, but she took it in stride. At first she couldn't figure what the heck I was doing back there!

    I was clicker training her the whole time too. So when I was asking her to walk on, she had no clue and ended up backing up most of the time. Her first step forward she got a C/T, then she was starting to get it. After about 20 min I had her walking about 50' every time. Even got a couple turns in there. It was alot of fun!!

    So here's pics of my girl wearing her harness!
    I kept her halter on instead of a bridle since we were both learning

  • Tooooo cute.
  • Ooh!  She's so fuzzy and cute!  Love her little harness!!!  I've got to measure Zag for his!! 
  • [quote=hunterseat]

    Ooh!  She's so fuzzy and cute!  Love her little harness!!!  I've got to measure Zag for his!! 

    lol she'll stay fuzzy til the end of July, then she'll be slick, then start growing again in a month! lol
  • I'm not an authority by any means on driving but your harness rigging looks wrong. She doesn't have a *** strap with which to lean into pull the buggy with.  I'm not sure if it's missing from the harness ( maybe it suppose to have a collar and hames, or if the harness has been attached wrong. [&:] )

    There is a lady in the donkey world that does alot of donkey driving. Her webpage /blog with tons of photos can be found at : http://www.teamdonk.org/   . Just reading her adventures has a wealth of information and tips. I would also suspect if you wrote her she would be happy to give you help with your donkey driving adventures.

    Looking forward to your continuing adventures with Miss Daisy !!
  • [quote=Fancymules]

    I'm not an authority by any means on driving but your harness rigging looks wrong. She doesn't have a *** strap with which to lean into pull the buggy with.  I'm not sure if it's missing from the harness ( maybe it suppose to have a collar and hames, or if the harness has been attached wrong. [&:] )

    There is a lady in the donkey world that does alot of donkey driving. Her webpage /blog with tons of photos can be found at :  http://www.teamdonk.org/   . Just reading her adventures has a wealth of information and tips. I would also suspect if you wrote her she would be happy to give you help with your donkey driving adventures.

    Looking forward to your continuing adventures with Miss Daisy !!

    I have the *** strap off. I didn't want extra gear in the way cuz I'd have to tie up the tugs somewhere else on the harness ( since were weren't actually pulling anything), so I was just using the harness saddle as a surcingle kinda, just something to keep my reins where they're supposed to be.

    I'm in the process of making new straps on the britchen, these ones were let out all the way and it's still up on her butt more than I'd like, it's not tight but I want it a tad looser. I think I'm gonna make a new crupper for it while I'm at it.

    Also making a little pad for under the driving saddle - got a old camping mat @ a yard sale & gonna sew something up!! YAY SALES!