Hi, So I moved my horses over to my house (because I own 10 acres) and honestly everything has changed! Wolfe is amazing! But one problem she hasn't cantered like ever only once but that was in a arena and where they are we don't have a round pen (yet) and the other day my dad and I were riding and, I don't remember what happened but she spooked and i fell off but i stayed on for like 8 seconds haha but i got a minor concution but my only problem is now I'm like afraid of trying to canter, I'm afraid that i will get buck off... and get really hurt, I know that when you get on a horse you sign up for anything! BUT how do I get into a canter because I haven't cantered in a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time and i have no one to help!!!!!! But how should i get her into a canter?????? PLEASE HELP!!!!
Morale: I don't know how to get my horse into a canter or like ride in one... and I'm afraid that she'll bolt and buck again! Help!