So, I was riding my horse today, And we were working on flying leadchanges, I noticed him being really relaxed. But he was like drooling ALOT! like a stream of water? I have been riding him in a regular O ring snaffle, but i transition from the oring to the full cheek, and I rode him in the full cheek today, Its funny because after I used the bit on my qh, I went to ride my mustang, and she was salivating to? I have always heard that it is good for them to salivate, becuase they are relaxing and working the bit. While I was riding him, we were working on flying leadchanges for the first time and he was doing amazingly well. He was giving flexion on a loose rein, cantering small circles, so I dont know if something finally clicked in his brain, or if there is something, wrong... because my mustang was chomping away at the bit to. and kind of drooling. I was thinking maybe there was something on the bit.. So im going to wash them tomorrow and see if he behaves the same. I have NEVER seen him drool like he was drooling? Does anyone know why he may have just started drooling all of the sudden, he was on a loose rein, and in very nice frame. and he wasnt being barn sour like he normaly is ... i wonder if something clicked in his brain.. lol?
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks Much
Chelsea , Sunny, and Mystie!