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Horse Drooling During Ride?

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Horse Drooling During Ride?
  • So, I was riding my horse today, And we were working on flying leadchanges, I noticed him being really relaxed. But he was like drooling ALOT! like a stream of water? I have been riding him in a regular  O ring snaffle, but i transition from the oring to the full cheek, and I rode him in the full cheek today, Its funny because after I used the bit on my qh, I went to ride my mustang, and she was salivating to? I have always heard that it is good for them to salivate, becuase they are relaxing and working the bit. While I was riding him, we were working on flying leadchanges for the first time and he was doing amazingly well. He was giving flexion on a loose rein, cantering small circles, so I dont know if something finally clicked in his brain, or if there is something, wrong... because my mustang was chomping away at the bit to. and kind of drooling. I was thinking maybe there was something on the bit.. So im going to wash them tomorrow and see if he behaves the same. I have NEVER seen him drool like he was drooling? Does anyone know why he may have just started drooling all of the sudden, he was on a loose rein, and in very nice frame. and he wasnt being barn sour like he normaly is ... i wonder if something clicked in his brain.. lol?
    Any help is much appreciated!
    Thanks Much
    Chelsea , Sunny, and Mystie!
  • If your horse is pastured where they have access to clover they may drool. They call it the slobbers my horses do the same thing they dont really drool untill you put the bit in and its like a  water fall. 
  • Foam and a little froth is good.  Means he is on the bit.  My mare can have her mouth coated in foam at the end of our ride.  English riders love it, they call it "lipstick" and even feed their horses apples at dressage shows to encourage it.  If he was drooling/dripping on a trail ride for example or when you were not riding then yes you'd want to check a few things out.  But, froth from riding with a snaffle bit is good.