(sorry in adVanCed for tHe weird Caps loCk on Certain letters, my keyboard is going out so some letters I Can only type wHen Capitilized.. it's Very annoying, but try to ignore it!)
Hey guys! So I just Created a page on Horse.Com forum just for some equestrian imput on wHat I'm doing! I am Currently undertaking a projeCt witH a friend of mine trying to gentle a mustang. Now He is not LITERALLY wild, but unfortunately He Has been left to sit in a pasture witHout any kind of Human ContaCt so He is just about. I'Ve been riding my wHole life but I HaVe no experienCe witH gentling a Horse, espeCially one so wary of Humans. I just started working witH Him today in tHe round pen and let me tell you, it was...interesting. He will literally eat out of tHe palm of my Hand (but of Course He won't let me touCH Him) but after tHe food is gone, He is on tHe otHer side of tHe pen.. He is interested in wHat we are doing WHen we work witH tHe otHer Horses and just stands and watCHes us from outside tHe pen but He is just so frigHtened of Humans. Any tips/metHods on How to get Him relaxed around me? THanks guys, and sorry again about my brokenisH keyboard.