Posted : 10/23/2009 3:15:10 PM
Go to shows, check out the horses. Look at riding stables that offer lessons, spend some time there, talk to the boarders or people taking lessons or their parents.
We moved Rum briefly to a barn where the trainer had wonderful credentials, a great website, etc. We went there because a friend of Laurel's was working there........Rum was there for 2 weeks. The trainer turned out to be a psycho, I don't think her credentials were real, nothing was adding up after we moved there, she agreed to things, we paid for extras but then she changed her mind. We had a contract and it all sounded so wonderful on paper.
We got Rum trailered to a show by our former barn owner and after the show just never went back. I see her around from time to time, but she is as flaky as Post Toasties.
So the moral is, you just never know and it is best to do as much homework as you can before hand and follow up once you decide to send him to training.