Posted : 3/17/2011 9:42:29 AM
Just because YOU are not a fan of spurs does not mean they are wrong. It is very common for them to be used in training. If used properly they are no worse than using a crop. They are not used to punish but to get the attention of the horse. Granted, there are some wicked looking spurs out there. I do not use wicked, unless I am in a parade and then they are for show only.
Proper spurring gets the horses attention so they pay attention to you with my goal being to get rid of them. The intent is not to raise my legs as high as possible and then come down as hard as possible. It is just a little urn of the leg and a gentle tap to say, "hey, pay attention to me." It is a training tool and as with ANY training tool it can be abused, just like the human hand!
I used spurs a lot on Fancy when I first got her but have not used them in ages, I don't even wear them anymore!
All horses are lazy by nature. They all tend to speed up when they think they are heading home. Do you use spurs? If not, consider it. Usually a light tap with them is all they need.
I am not at all a fan of spurs! A horse should be going WITHOUT spurs, the spurs are there if you need a more precise aid for dressage for example... against what most people think spurs are NOT to make the horse move faster and don't belong on the feet of a rider who can't get his horse to walk without!!!!!
Looks to me like your horse needs to build up some stamina! Maybe lunge him more often, make him "angry" for him to go.... Try to roundpen him and don't give up when riding him, f.e.: don't stop riding until you had 5 min canter/lope from him, no matter how long it takes. It will teach him to listen to you because that's less work after all! Maybe he's uneasy with the bit you use, consider switching...