Posted : 3/26/2010 8:03:23 PM
How are you asking for the lead? I know if he's an ex-racer it's probably all he knows, but gently put pressure at the back of his left rib cage and see if he yields his hind quarters, if he does, you should be able to ask him to push over on to his right rear while tipping his nose to the right and kiss and get him into the lope while holding your position till he is loping, and then he should be on the right lead... but that's just how I have learned to ask for leads so it may not work. If he doesn't yield his hindquarters at all, that could be another reason, you should be able to get him to basically pivot on his front feet and spin his butt around them. Like opposite of a spin lol, if he doesn't know how to do this teach him on the ground first, and then under saddle. And then try working on leads. Also make sure your weight in the saddle is shifted on left side of the seat so that your out of his way, and over exaggerate it, and vise versa for the left lead, I hope this helps.