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Anyone with custom saddles?

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Anyone with custom saddles?
  • Since the original saddle that I was going to buy got sold to someone else (long story....to keep it short, I gave the lady the money...then she sold it to someone else...thankfully I do have my money back). Any how....I was thinking of getting a custom wade made with a special flex tree, so wasn't sure if anyone here has custom saddles, and how they like it.  I know all will be different but thought I'd ask.
    Also if you wish, post pictures of it also ;)

    I've been trying to find a good trail saddle...one that will stand up to all the trail rides I do.
  • I've never had the money to have a custom one made but I have one now that is close.  Its a circle Y Desert Creek Rach saddle.  The only problem is that with all my gear its about 50 pounds to hoist up there.  It has a super strong tree and is the most comfortable saddle I have ever sat in.  I had some monel stirrups custom made for it and Wow is it a wonderful ride.  I have drug logs, fence posts, taught colts how to lead, dropped it and it is still solid.  It fits a mature horse like Shadow and has never once sored him but its not built for a colts back.
    I have contacted HR saddlery and they have some great wades that are custom made to your order starting at around 2,ooo.  There is a fella that has a site called Highbacksaddle.com and he makes some awsome saddles but he is a bit higher in price.  Also Rafter W saddlery is supost to be really good.
  • Thanks Trainer! I found a guy in Texas that said he'd custom make my barn owner one (not sure if I'll get the same price, but it's worth a shot, right?) for $1200.
    I also contacted Steele Saddle Tree LLC to see if I could get one of their trees since I wanted a flex tree. I couldn't get the tree that I wanted (the Equi-flex) since Parelli has it copyrighted which is fine, so I"m leaning more on the Evolutionhttp://www.steelesaddletreellc.com/evo.html or the Flexiblehttp://www.steelesaddletreellc.com/eff.html

    Which do you think is better? THey said they can make either in wade style
  • I just purchased a Martin Saddle.  They will do any saddle any way you want and they are not mass produced like many.  Things are done by hand.  It is a great saddle and I love riding in it.

    Why do you want a flex tree?  Have you ridden in one before?

    The reason I ask is some people love them and some hate them.
  • I want a flex tree so it will move with my horse and I need something to have some bend for the trails that I go on and though a regular wooden tree will do it, I feel that a flex tree would be better since the trails I do on have sharp turns, steep hills that we have to go up and down in, and logs that we have to jump.
    And I want a wade tree also to give my horse's scapula room when he is moving....cause most saddles are made for a horse at rest instead of in motion which is what it should be.

    No I have not ridden in one before, but each and every saddle has a different feel and I'm used to riding in whatever is available as long as it fits...and I mainly ride bareback now which is how I've been doing trails (or using my barn owner's McCall Lady Wade).
  • I have a custom Aussie saddle from DownUnder.  The tree/saddle are designed after you send them a wither tracing, your horse's measurements and your measurements.  They also do western saddles and have several different types of trees.
    I have a hard to fit TB with a shark fin for withers so this was a gift for him and he appreciates it.  This is the most comfy and secure saddle I have ever ridden - and I mean comfy for HOURS on the trail.  We like to go on trips where we sometimes ride 20-30 miles per day so that was very important to me that it was good for him and me.  I hardly feel like I've been in the saddle.  They also make cross-over western/Aussie saddles for the best of both worlds.  My Aussie Stock Poley is lighter than my Simco and a TON lighter than the custom made Benchmark I bought for my hubby (beautiful saddle though!) I would say around 20-25# total with all my gear vs 35-50# range of the other two with all the gear. Closer contact too.
  • You might want to talk with ED Steele a bit more about flex trees.  True flex trees are a thing of the past, because they sored so many horses.   The current vintage flex trees might as well be rigid trees.  That's how inflexible they are.

    If you trully want some flex, you might look at some of the flex panel saddles.
  • [quote=bobf5]

    You might want to talk with ED Steele a bit more about flex trees.  True flex trees are a thing of the past, because they sored so many horses.   The current vintage flex trees might as well be rigid trees.  That's how inflexible they are.

    If you trully want some flex, you might look at some of the flex panel saddles.

    I have talked to him on the flex trees, but though he seems like a nice guy, he's not going to say "oh yes the EFF model has caused back problems for horses". His job is to sell his product after all.
    I have looked at the flex panels and that is actually what the EFF is I believe...and that's the one I've heard more people stay away from than any other one