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Cool saddlebag score!

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Cool saddlebag score!
  • Check out these saddlebags I got for dirt cheap from Craigslist.  I have a larger set made by the same brand, which I have used nonstop for several years.  The 'new' set is made specifically for English/ Aussie saddles and I am very impressed with the functionality and the amount of cargo space those seemingly little pockets have - my bulky 35mm camera disappeared in the front pocket.

    they are made by SnugPax, handmade in USA, worth looking into if you do much trail riding in an English or Aussie style saddle.  Here is my heavy-duty set which I have owned for many years now:

    the wither bag goes with me on every ride, it holds my first aid, food, saw, rain gear and emergency supplies.

  • TOTALLY cool!!!  Love it!  Having no horn has few disadvantages but that's one.  nothing to hang stuff from.