My hubby, friend, Michelle and I went on a ride at Lake Perris today and ended up riding the whole perimeter which took 4+ hours. It was wonderful weather and the horses handled the sometimes precarious footing coming down the mountain to the dam really well. We did several wooden bridges which Cody has never done and he went without hesitation and we rode across the top of the dam which is over 2 1/2 miles long. The water was beautiful and although I'm a bit sore from that long in the saddle, it was a great day!
The fields at the top of the lake

Checking out some pictographs from the local Native Americans
Gary on Tahoe, his first ride since his horse back accident in July. Tahoe was wonderfully behaved.

The rock formations are amazing around the lake. You get a better idea of the perspective
by seeing the picnic tables at the bottom.

Crossing bridges on the way up
My friend was a little afraid at times when there were drops or the trail was narrow
and made of boulders but Spirit didn't take a wrong step.
Gary got off on the dam to walk and stretch out his knees.
Michelle and Spirit
Didn't get any pictures of me today but here's my beautiful boy
The horses all ready to go, enjoying the view of the lake below us.