We finally had a nice weekend and got a chance to do some trail riding. Sat afternoon, we just messed with the horses and took a ride around our place. The horses hadn't been ridden in a while, so were kind of wound tight. Then Sunday we went to Bar K, which is a conservation area about an hour and a half from us. We rode with 2 other couples and spent about 5 hours out on the trails. We had expected a warm but cloudy day, but were pleasantly surprised when the sun was out most of the day. It got up into the UPPER 60's. Yea!
A couple of months from now, these Ozark Hills will be green. Me and Dash:

Some cedar trees in the background here add some green color. David and Frisco:

The gals from left to right: Sandy on Jack, Me on Dash, and Priscilla on Chance

Frisco and Dash were a lot more settled down on Sun, so David and I had a great ride. All of the horses were good on Sun except for Chance. She was a little bitchy and kicked Frisco. She has kicked before and David shouldn't have gotten that close to her, but Pris is kind of bad about letting her stop on the trail and if the person behind her isn't paying close attention and doesn't also stop, it can cause problems. That is what happened on Sun. Chance stopped and Frisco didn't. David said that when we saw that they had stopped, he tried to turn and go around them, but BAM, Chance kicked. David said he was afraid that it was his knee that was in the line of fire, but Frisco got it instead and ended up with an abrasion on his chest. Nothing too bad, TG. Pris felt really bad about it. 95% of the time Chance is a really good horse and Pris loves her, but the other 5% of the time she can be a bit moody.
Other than that, it was a great day. I feel so much better now that I have had a chance to hit the trails again. It seems like this winter has been so cold and so long. A day out on the trails was just the medicine that I needed.