And its time to start riding those hayburners we've been feeding and cleaning stalls for all winter! My husband, my young friend and I met up with some horse and mule people at Pacific City, Oregon for a spring ride. The beach is always convenient when its mud everywhere else. The other folks hadn't been out with their equines since fall, so sand is always a good thing for a spring refresher coarse. We hope to start getting out on the other trails in the region now that the sun is making an appearance in this part of the country.

We actually had a very nice ride. The family we met were pretty laid back; the 13-year-old boy was riding a cute white hinny (out of a donkey, sired by a horse) that was just completely laid back, not a care in the world. His father had a big bay mule similar to our Sally mule, named Whiskey, who was also a gem. The mother was riding a pretty cremello mare horse, looked to have some gaited breed mixed in somewhere along its line... the mare was a 'free to a good home' horse and seemed to be getting along just fine with her rider.

My young friend rode Peach, the two are coming along very well together. I rode Sweet P, and my husband rode his white gelding, Thunder and ponied Sally the Mule. Thunder had a bee in his bonnet about ponying the mule but eventually wore himself out fussing over it and gave up the fight.