Do you live in an area that experiences fluctuating weather patterns? Are rain and snow common occurrences, especially on those days when you put your horses out to pasture? Do you own a horse that will not stay clean? If you answered “yes” to any of these above questions, then you may want to look into horse blankets as a way to solve your problems. They can easily be one of the most important investments you can make for managing your horse’s health and grooming.

Remember when horse blankets only came in one style and color? Those days are over. Technology has modernized the blanket-making industry, creating hundreds of new styles, fabrics and colors and it is how WeatherBeeta® has become one of the world’s leading equestrian brands. Their blankets are all about fit, purpose, price and quality. WeatherBeeta® blankets are set well above industry standards to ensure your horse has the best; their products pass the 100-point quality control checklist. All their turnouts, paddock rugs, and blankets include the standard features listed in the below PDF.

Horse blankets and sheets are a simple, yet economical means of protecting your horse from the cold, rain, snow, manure, and mud. You can find horse blankets in a variety of styles and materials. They are meant to fit over the entire body of the horse. This means you'll want a blanket which fits from the shoulder to the tail while covering the withers, back, barrel, and hindquarters. There are some styles of blankets which have an open shoulder gusset, allowing the horse to move about more freely when they are out in the pasture.

Blankets, for the most part, are made to fit a certain size range. Some come with an adjustable, elastic girth, billet, or leg strap which gives some room within that range of sizes. However, you’ll want to pick a blanket with a size range that will properly fit your horse. To help you choose a WeatherBeeta® blanket that fits your horses properly, WeatherBeeta® put together this breakdown of how to fit your horse blanket. It also provides a wealth of information regarding characteristics unique to their blankets and tips on caring for your blankets. 

WeatherBetta® Information has the best selection of horse blankets at the best prices! 


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