
The Percheron, one of the most popular heavy breeds, owes much of its development to the Arabian. They are favored for the lack of feathering, a frequent cause of skin problems. Their origin dates back to the 18th century. In the late 19th century they were extensively exported to the United States and other countries.


Cool, Temperate


The Percheron horsed originated in Perche Valley in France and was originally bred for use as a warhorse throughout history. In the late 18th century, the breed was crossed with Arabian stallions, to which the founding stallion of the Percheron breed was then foaled in 1830.  


The Percheron has served as a warhorse, coach horse, farm horse, and has even been ridden under saddle. They are hardy, versatile, and even-tempered. Their action is long, low, and free. They stand between 16 and 17.2 hands. The head has long ears, large eyes and a broad forehead. The body is broad and deep chested, but is also compact and deep in the girth. The withers are prominent and the shoulders are sloped, unlike most other draft breeds. The legs are short, massive and are not heavily feathered. Coat colors include Gray and Black.


The Norman Cob provided size, overall substance, leg strength, and weight. The Arabian added quality, improved movement, and gave an overall soundness.



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