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Possible injury or stocking up?

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Possible injury or stocking up?
  • First off let me say I am new to horses and that’s why I’m here.. and nice to meet y’all! My question.. I board at a very small barn and the girl that runs it has been around horses a long time and I’ve only owned one for a year now. My problem is a couple weeks ago I watched one of the other boarder horses get nipped at and when she did she went backwards and tripped over a cider block with her back legs. She didn’t fall but she almost did and she immediately drew her leg to her stomach for a few seconds. I told the girl running the barn and we watched her for a few mins and she was limping a little but eventually walked it off. Now here’s my problem! One to two days after that she began to really limp, she is swollen from knees down, and her legs have a ton of heat in them. Her owners are also new so they are going off of the girl running the place saying that she is just stocking up and to walk her and run cold water on her legs. The more they walk her the more she limps and you can clearly tell she’s hurting. Everything I have read says in stocking up the swelling goes down after exercise and it’s not typically painful. This is going on two or three weeks now. I can’t stand to see this horse in pain anymore. Which do you think it is? I honestly believe she is injured from the trip but I am new and don’t want to overstep the girl who runs it and knows more than me. Thank you!
  • Welcome Hanscons,

    I don't see anything you can do since it isn't your horse..

    Except tell the horse's owner that you saw what happened?

  • Well technically I leased her from someone then subleased her to this little girls family. That’s why I’m so worried. Her original owners know about the subleasing but I still feel responsible for her.