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Phaeton project

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Phaeton project
  • Here's a few pictures of my current project:
    It started out as a Surrey and is becoming a single-seated vehicle called a Phaeton (fay-ton).

    Here's a doctored up picture of what it should likely look like:

    After removing the back seat:

    Same, rear view (that framework sitting up against the front seat platform and turn-under is the back seat frame):

    the floor turned out to be worse than I had thought.  None of it was actually connected to the carriage.  It was held in place by the mounting irons.  Scary, just scary...

    Test fit on the new frame:

    Final attachment to spring bar and mounting irons:

    Sneak Peek at seat, and look of body:

    Since I took nineteen inches out of the length of the body, I had to shorten the under-carriage of the vehicle.  Here's a shot of the shortened reach:

    The reach goes from the fifth-wheel (attached to the front axle) to the rear axle.  It provides structural integrity to the whole, rigidity, and strength.  those little rollers in the middle of it are roller Irons.  they prevent the rubber on the wheels from binding on the reach and flipping the vehicle.

    I'm going to borrow the lamps and brackets off this vehicle for the time being.  New ones (of proper type) cost six hundred dollars and I don't have the cash right now:

    So, that's it for now.  I'll update as things progress if anyone's interested...

    Likely I'll be a bit delayed getting back to this as I have another show (volunteering this time) this coming weekend.  I'll do my best to get pictures as this one should be quite the thing to see!

  • Lots of work. its going to be fabulous!
  • Labor of love? It's very exciting to see the transformation!
  • Thanks, I'm hoping to have it done by next week at the latest.  The club campout is the end of May and I need to have it done in sufficient time to have it ready.  I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to driving River again.  She's such a big luv.
  • Great job, Stude.  A big project and I am looking forward to seeing the final results with beautiful River pulling it.
  • Thank you Connie.  Sadly, the time off hasn't been good to River. &nbsp';P'oor baby gets fat so easily.  She reminds me of my sister.  I used to feel so sorry for Wendy.  She could work circles around all of us boys and yet still had a serious weight problem without a very strict diet.  As is typical with this type in my family, she died early too.

    But I degress... sorry about that.

    I can't wait to get River into this also.  She'll be really happy to be getting out again.
  • Well, got the new kingpin and installed it whilst assembling the fifth-wheel.  The Reach is in place and all the sundry parts are coming together.  Here's a few shots of first assembly.  If you look closely, you can see that there are no diagonal braces between the back axle and reach.  I have yet to bend those and install them, hence the vehicle is still not ready for use.  It's getting there though!!

  • Bravo! Nearly there! That's really nice looking! (to my untrained eyes)
  • That's so cool Stude! 
    Don't take this the wrong way but you remind me of my grandpa, he likes to take stuff apart, clean it all up and put it back together or to just build something from nothing and he's really good at it.
  • Well, the project is complete for the most part!

    There will be minor tweaks along the way.  Like I think the diagonal braces will have to be replaced.  The current ones are just not working like I want.  I have to take it apart again and send the front spring bar to Witmer's to be replicated (as the current one is broken and held together with screws... bad Ju-Ju, that).  Then there's painting to be done and eventually new body panels for the side.  I think a folding dickey Seat would be nice as well.  But that can wait for a while as the vehicle is nowhere near being ready for showing, LOL!   That too will come in time, Lord willing.  Need a Battle Wagon next, but the Gigs must come first.  One thing at a time.  For now, this vehicle is a delight to drive and enjoy.  Hope you all don't mind my crowing here a bit.

    Anyway, here's some shots of the vehicle last week:

    River seems to like pulling the revamped-vehicle.  I've switched her back to a ***-collar in lieu of the full collar.  The latter was just so very heavy and too bulky to deal with.  She seems to be able to handle the weight (this vehicle is still over four hundred pounds) quite well.  Then again, I don't think the vehicle and myself are much over half her weight, so that keeps us in a good place for her comfort, ultimately.  I might borrow a pole from one of my friends and start Socks driving as a team with River in this.  They're hopeless as a match, being a full hand's difference between them.  Still, River might not mind being a schoolmistress for the cheeky lad.

  • Looking good.

     nice pictures.  River looks good.
  • Great pictures!