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Meet Rascal

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Meet Rascal
  •   I don't think I've shared pics of Rascal here yet.  A month ago I went to look at an ad for a "3 year old haflinger gelding" and instead I found 3 horses that were haflinger look-alikes...sorta.  One took off and we never did get a good look at her.  Then two geldings stuck around.  The older one looked like a sorrel QH cross and showed a lot of white in his eyes.  Just didn't appeal.  But the younger one just kept catching my attention even though he was not haflinger...there was just something about him. 

    Here are the two at the farm.  The guy said he had bought them off someone else 1-2 weeks prior as a favor because the other guy could not afford him.  He didn't want to keep them so was trying to sell them quickly.

    Well...after some discussion with my husband...this is what came home on May 9th.  He was suppose to be a yearling (and vet has verified that he IS a yearling) but the yearling size halter I bought for him is falling off.  He stands 12.3 hands and hoping he has plenty of growth left to do...

    Today, June 7th -

  • Awwww, I would've bought the poor little guy too!  The change in him is amazing.  He's like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis!!  He does look like he has some sort of draft in him, those big feet/legs!  Looks very kind and is growing into his head ':)'  Congrats on your new baby ':)'
  • Thanks!  And he is turning out to have one great personality as well.  So far I have been very pleased with him.
  • Rascal is a handsome horse  he looks like he well be a tall horse too.

    please keep us updated on him
  • One very lucky horse!  The neighbors point out tail-length as a good indicator of age when you're talking 1, 2, 3 yr olds.  It's hard for me unless they're standing next to each other....
    He looks great, j_c!  Can't wait to see more!
  • Thanks!  I will post more  pics as soon as I get them.
  • Another random photo from today:

    Sorry I didn't get more - but right after this picture I heard a squeal and realized that the reason he is staring off so intently is because the neighbor's horses are out and they aren't home.  Had fun chasing them in the heat but we did get them in their proper home and the part of the fence broke temporarily fixed.  However, once it was done - I sure didn't feel like standing in the heat any longer to take more pics.
  • AWESOME photo!!
  • Can you tell me what I'm seeing in this photo color-wise?  His muzzle looks like it's sooty?  Inside his legs is what?  What do you think, oh genetic wizard? [':)']
  • You've got to come see him in person!  If I stand behind him he looks almost chocolate, but much lighter and redder from the front. (compare the last pic in my first post to this one and you will see what I mean)  From the side I can see streaks of golden (almost haffie) color in there.  Legs are actually shedding out to look darker right now.  Its really strange to see.  I'm thinking some of it is caused by the lack of nutrition and it may take the next cycle of hair to show his true color. 

    However - my current suspicion is that he is flaxen chestnut with the mealy gene and sooty/smutty gene competing with each other which is why there are darker/lighter areas.  The mealy gene causes the lighter coloring on the loin/belly area while the sooty gene is causing the darker areas. 

  •  That head does look kinda drafty...but he definatly looks a million times better shed out and with some weight on him! Great job!
  • Love this head shot of him!

  • That's gorgeous!  I'll be looking up mealy.  "lesson for today: Mealy" 
    Sooty and mealy make smutty, don't they?  [':D']
  • Mealy is like Cody's lighter nose and undersides.