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The last word......

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The last word......
  • stick
  • FETCH!
  • puppy
  • chow
  • bite
  • ouch!
  • kitty claws......
  • fever
  • Saturday Night (I'm really not that old!)
  • "and I ain't got nobody....."  Sorry, that Sam Cooke song popped into my head!
    Let's see.......
    Saturday night, um, "Special!!"
  • Unique
  • Bunny.... that joke:  How do you catch a unique bunny?
  • I couldn't remember the joke, so I Googled it. Thought I would share, in case anyone else doesn't remember it either.  
    Title: Submitted By: Question:
    How do you catch a unique bunny?

    Unique up on him.

    How do you catch a tame bunny?

    Da tame way!

      Bugs  "bunny"
  • Space Jam 

    (can you believe how many hits this thread gets and how few people actually PLAY??  I feel like I'm on a game show....) 
  • Michael Jordan
    (that is one OLD movie.  We are providing entertainment for others Hunt, fine by me)