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The last word......

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The last word......
  • heat
  • I can think of all kinds of comments about the heat - Horseless combo, but I think I will just keep them to myself............hmmmm........
  • Buffalo (soldier)
  • Chips (Buffalo Chips hee hee hee) [':D']
  • [>:] im not quite sure wut buffalo chips are but im thinkin BBQ chips so we'll go with that
    BBQ chips lol
  • [quote=tripleluckyprince]

    [>:] im not quite sure wut buffalo chips are but im thinkin BBQ chips so we'll go with that

    BBQ chips lol

    From Wikipedia:
    A buffalo chip, also called a meadow muffin, is the name for a large, flat, dried piece of dung deposited by the American Bison from the large amount of grass that it eats. Well dried buffalo chips were among the few things that could be collected and burned on the prairie, and so were used by the Plains Indians, settlers and pioneers, and homesteaders, as a source of heat for cooking and warmth.
    Bison dung is sometimes referred to by the name nik-nik. This word is a borrowing from the Sioux language (which probably originally borrowed it from a northern source). In modern Sioux, nik-nik can refer to the *** of any bovine, including domestic cattle. It has also come to be used, especially in Lakota, to refer to lies or broken promises (especially by the U.S. government). It probably attained this sense by association with the English term "bullshit".
    My word:
    Hickory (chips)
  • *snicker* meadow muffin.... rofl....
    hickory...... nut (I used to help my babysitter collect them in NJ when I was about 5 - probably younger, too, but I don't remember those years)
  • bolt
  • hang-on!!!!!!!!!
  • JUMP!
  • up!
  • Seven (Up)
  • MOM!  (She was 7th out of 13)
  • Super (mom)!