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Hummingbirds and Orioles

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Hummingbirds and Orioles
  • The hummingbirds have been back at our house for a week or two now. I love to watch these busy little birds buzz in and out.

    I can see our hummingbird feeders from my kitchen window. Yesterday, out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the hummingbird feeders swinging. Normally they don't move much unless the wind in really blowing hard. I looked a little closer and a Baltimore Oriole was trying to get a drink out of the hummingbird feeder, so I put an orange on a bird feeder and they soon found it.
    Isn't this a pretty boy?

    It's kind of hard to tell for sure, with them flying in and out, but I am sure I saw 2 females and think I saw 2 different males, too. They sure do like these oranges!

  • So beautiful!  I haven't seen any orioles around our place but my aloe is blooming and it's like a war zone out there!  You get strafed as they zoom around and they are brazen little things chittering at us when we disturb their meal, will fly right up a couple feet from your face, hover and stare at you!  We have the Anna's with the fuschia necks, so pretty.  Great idea with the oranges!
  • Okay all you hummingbird fans!  The Annual Hummingbird festival is in September at the Mississippi Audobon Society headquarters here in my county!  Make your plans and I'll find somewhere for you to sleep.  Space is sorta tight at the moment but I'm a firm believer in "we can make it work".  (doesn't always apply to my children) [':D']
  • Beautiful birds! 
    We see humming birds around here, but no Orioles.  I used to see them when I lived in MI.  I used to stick an orange outside my bedroom window and watch them come feast.  It was always so neat to watch.  They also like grape jam. 
  • Great pics! The birds look so pretty.....
  • I love watching the birds. I have never put out a feeder though because I can be a forgetful Nelly. 

    Your pictures look lovely. Thanks for sharing.
  • Oh how cool ':)'
  • So pretty, I love bird watching.   My mom and dad used to have a lot of hummingbirds and orioles....I really miss them.  There aren't many birds where I live as there aren't many trees or shrubs here on my road, at least not closeby (there are trees a block over on either side tho).....I sure miss seeing them.....  beautiful pictures!