My 13 yr. old, Kelly has been having stomach pain for about a year on and off, mostly in the morning, not a breakfast person we figured but it got really bad while we were on vacation, usually right after eating. I got her in to our pediatrician who's also a gastroenterologist, when we got back and he started doing lots of tests. Everything has been coming back normal but today he called and the test came back positive for celiac disease. Normal is .3 and hers was 100, so now we go in for more testing...... If she does have it, it means no more gluten or wheat products for her. I know it could be worse, something incurable but I really don't wish this on my daughter as it makes diet difficult. So, anyways, keep her in your thoughts that she had a false positive.......
UPDATE: Well, got the results for Kelly's biopsy and they were positive so, she definitely has celiac disease. While it breaks my heart to have anything wrong with her at all, I am at least glad we are done with tests and have an answer and it isn't something life threatening. Already got one of those, with Shay and her heart disease! We go in to the gastrointerologist on Monday and discuss what we do. I've already got her eating pretty much gluten free since the biopsy and she seems to be feeling better
New adventure in cooking for me, start experimenting with different kinds of flours, etc. Last night we had teriyaki flank steak, baked potatoes and salad. Not bad, for gluten free, just miss my rolls
but on we go!