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Just built a website!

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Just built a website!
  • And now I'm going to Disneyland!  I should after working ALL DAY LONG on it.  I used ipage.com.  It was really easy but I always make the easiest things difficult.  That's just how I roll. [:D
    I KNOW THERE'S A TYPO!  Oh heck.  Might as well correct it.  *smacks self in head*
  • Cool!  You did that??  You amaze me ':)'  I wouldn't have a clue how to even start!  Looks great ':)'  Someday we'll be adding on..... so if you lived out here.....
  • WOW!!! [8|]
  • That looks great! I like the layout!
  • Thanks!!! The site I used to build it makes it SOOO easy!
    Oh Dana, don't even say that! Chatter knows So.Cal. like the back of his hand.  He was stationed there and did a LOT of getting around, dispite being the doting father of two very young boys.  I could do a whole thread on his adventures out there.  He loves it there.  Me? Not so much.  It's just so crazy and expensive and brown.  (no offense to UPS)  I really love whole forests of big green trees.
  • You have all kinds of talent.  Great job.
  • I love the website. It is simple but really pretty and neat. So is the blog. How long did it take you? Good job!
  • It took me all day really.  I watched all the tutorials...  I still have a ways to go.  I think I finally figured out how to fix the header.... which I messed up.
    Thanks!  I added two custom houses that he built.  He has to get some good pictures.  What I have are really not good pictures at all but I wanted to throw something up there.  I can do a photo gallery with more pics.
    ipage.com has a good demo.  It's VERY easy!
  • The pictures are nice but is there a way to get them bigger when you click on them or does the photo gallery solve that?
  • I only have sort of bad pics right now. There's a feature to do that - make them clickable.  But I'll wait for better pics.  There's a photo album, too, that we plan to use.
  • Ah ok, that would just make the site greater. ':)' How are the adjustments going? does Ipage give you choices or you have to make things from scratch?
  • Very impressive! I am tinkering with the idea of venturing in cyberspace a little further and creating a blog..... but all the 'how to' information is mind boggling!
  • Yes, the blog is something I haven't totally mastered and there are things to be done in the site itself.  I have to have some solid hours to dedicate or I'll be up all night.  3 day weekend coming up!  ipage gives you the blog stuff, too.  You can download the blog software and do it per their instructions.  You can buy a domain and just do a blog, a website or both!  AND you can use your ipage subscription for multiple sites!!  VERY affordable.  They have a drag and drop feature that is amazingly simple.  (It would have to be for e to be able to do it!!!)
  • Doggone that sneaky blog!  It's nearly February!  I need to do something quick!!  I'll fix it Saturday.  It'll still be January, right? [':)']
  • Looks good!!