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My Grammy is gone.....

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My Grammy is gone.....
  • My dad called me tonight with the news that my Grammy died this afternoon.  She wasn't feeling good this morning and things went downhill rapidly.  They think she had a heart attack.  She was 98 years old!!  She was an amazing person, a Cody (Buffalo Bill Cody) who had 5 sons, lived through the Depression, was in Pearl Harbor during Pearl Harbor and was sent with her 3 boys away from the island on a ship, lost her husband at age 55, lived her life with dignity and peace, loved the arts, gardening, birds, the ocean, music and her family.  She was lucky enough to never be hospitalized for anything except giving birth and stayed in her own home until today.  My dad said she was ready to go and is now finally with her husband and oldest son, can see well and hear well again.  She had a great chuckle and snort, baked chocolate birthday cakes like nobody else and oh, how I will miss her.
  • Looking forward to meeting her when I get there. ':)'  We will ALL have perfect bodies then! 
    Big hugs, I know you'll miss her.  Hugs to your family, too.
  • I am sorry for your loss, Danastark. She sounds like an outstanding woman. Must be a family tradition.
  • So sorry about your Grammy, Dana. 98 healthy years is amazing and quite an accomplishment. Death always seem worse somehow when it comes close to Christmas, but just think how marvelous celebrating Christmas in heaven must be.
  • Thank you for all your kind thoughts.  I was thinking how lucky my kids and I have been.  My mom's mom, my Grandma lived to be 94 1/2 and really knew my girls because she also lived in Riverside.  My dad's mom, my Grammy lived to be 98.  How many people really have their grandparents that long and how many kids really get to know their great-grandparents?  It is hard having her go so close to Christmas but at least her sons were all flying in to be with her for the holidays so we will be having a celebration of her life and everyone will already be here.  Thanks, Dashie-I only hope to be as good of a person as she was ':)'
  • I hope everything's going well for your family.  Christmas wishes and travel mercies to them all.